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Shree Samsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math

Psychiatrist David Cervreber-Shreiber fought with the brain tumor for 20 years. In 2011, at the age of 50, he died of relapse. In an interview, he shares his views on the opportunity to confront diseases. And also tells what factors contribute to inflammatory processes and how to strengthen the natural protection mechanisms in order to reduce the risk of the disease.

Fight the disease for 20 years and not give up. During remission, David Cervarwarber has released several books. In the most famous of them, “Antirac”, the author acted both as an eyewitness and as a doctor.

Yes, we all risk encountering cancer. At the same time, in our power to prevent tumor growth and help the body fight the disease if it overtook.

“Today there are no alternative methods of curing cancer,” explained David Cervarwa-Shreiber. – It is impossible to even think about treating it without resorting to modern achievements of Western medicine. But at the same time, it is unreasonable to neglect the natural ability of the body to protect against tumors, preventing the disease or helping the body during therapy ”.

“Antirac” – that our capabilities in the fight against cancer are directly dependent on the lifestyle. It should not be perceived as a set of unshakable dogmas. The book gives us scientific information that will allow everyone to consciously treat their own health.

Psychologies: You have conceived a new book as a kind of continuation of “Healing”?

David Cervarwarber: When I finished the work on the book “Healing”, it seemed to me that I completely spoke out on the topic that worries me. At that moment I did not suspect that there would be a continuation. However, another book was necessary for several reasons. As a doctor, a scientist and the patient, I felt that I should share my experience with the maximum number of people. Knowledge that allows everyone to understand the internal mechanisms of our health and how it can be supported.

Firstly, I have already pulled back from my own experience of the disease to want to share it and thereby help other cancer patients.

Secondly, over the past ten years, a huge amount of information about the relationship between nutrition and cancer has appeared, about the influence of the environment, and it seemed to me that it was time to summarize the results of these works and make them universal property. Finally, scientific data appeared, proving that

Som regel horer de problemer, der stammer fra det faktum, at partneren har et lille medlem, faktisk ikke horer til medlemmet. For hvis medlemmet opfattes af begge sider som den eneste made at tage en orgasme pa – er dette problemet. Manglen pa mangfoldighed, mangel pa arsenal eller modviljen mod at andre noget i hans intime liv – dette er Danskapotek problemer, og alt andet er let at lose ved hjalp af en paraply.

cancer has turned in the West into a real “epidemic” (not in the sense of contagiousness, but in the sense of the massiveness of the disease), which kills every fourth, and now we finally begin to understand its reasons.

That is, the causes of cancer are known?

For a long time it was believed that cancer is associated with heredity and in this sense is practically inevitable. But the constant increase in the number of cases of cancer suggests that the matter is not only in genes, that there are other, external factors – primarily the environment and lifestyle that have a huge impact on the body. Heredity plays a role in only 15% of cases.

Each of us is a potential carrier of cancer, since cancer cells are present in the body of each person from which a tumor can develop. And it is precisely the way of life that provokes or does not provoke the launch of this process: it can feed cancer or support protection mechanisms that prevent the reproduction of cancer cells.

This is a new approach in science?

In general, yes. Over the past decades, scientists have unusually advanced, realizing that it is possible to stop the disease (without even destroying cancer cells) if you prevent the body from nourishing the growth of the tumor. This is a real revolution!

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