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Shree Samsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math

17 Anand Eng

17. Shri Ananda Tirtha

Birth Place : Avarsa (Ankola)
Sannyasa Deeksha : Saka 1727 Krodhan Samvatsara Chaitra Shukla Trayodashi, Thursday (11/04/1805) at Partagali Matha
Guru : Shri Lakshminatha Tirtha (16)
Accession : Saka 1743 Vrusha Samvatsara Magha Krushna Chaturdashi, Wednesday (20/02/1822)
Shishya : Shri Poornaprajna Tirtha (18)
Mahanirvan : Saka 1750 Sarvadhari Samvatsara Shravana Shukla Navami, Sunday (19/08/1828)
Vrundavan Place : Partagali Matha
Period as Shishya : 16 years 10 months 09 days
Period as Guru : 06 years 06 months 00 days
Period in service of matha : 23 years 10 months 09 days
Matha construction : Shri Vira Vitthala Matha, Balli
Special works : Renovation & expansion of matha, New tower of Hanuman raised at Partagali, Rivona Matha renovation, Ballo matha, Badarinath Yatra

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History of Swamiji

आनन्दतीर्थमौनीन्द्रं सदानन्दपयोनिधिम् ।
प्रवन्दे दीनमन्दारं सदान्दाप्तये सदा ॥

Shri Ananda Tirtha Svamiji had a practical outlook to things & thus he achieved financial stability for the matha. However, he never let himself get engulfed in commerce. Rather, he was known for his utmost detachment from material pleasures. He did not fail to effectuate his own spiritual progress alongside looking after the matha’s administration and finances.
One of his most significant achievements was the renovation of the Partagali Matha. The work started on Vaishakh Vadya Saptami of Saka 1731 Shukla Samvatsara and on Jyeshtha Shukla Ashtami of Saka 1732 Pramod Samvatsara (1810 CE) punahpratishtha of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana was done. He constructed a tower of Maruti in the matha’s ground (1821 CE) and aided the Mahajanas of the temple at Poinguinim in the construction of the Parashuram temple. A cloth ‘Taka’ is read our during the festivities at the Vetala Temple in Poinguinim. Svamiji had it made in 1823 CE for the temple.
A travelling permit issued by the Gaekwads records that while still a Shishya Svami he returned from Baroda to Gokarna in Saka 1731 accompanied by 60 Brahmins, 30 soldiers, 2 camel-riders, 16 cavalrymen, 2 bullock-riders and 1 palanquin. Another order by a district magistrate instructed troops not to obstruct the path of Svami Ananda Tirtha of Gokarna who was travelling with 100 men, 1 palanquin, 10 horses, and 1 elephant. Records indicate that similar orders were issued in Saka 1739 and Saka 1741.
Shri Anand Tirtha went on many pilgrimages during his reign. He visited Rameshwaram in Saka 1733 Prajapati Samvatsara (1811 CE) and also visited other holy sites such as Anantashayana, Totadri, Kumbhakonam, Shrirangam, Vishnukanchi, etc.
In 1739 Ishvara Samvatsara (1817 CE) he resolved to travel to Badarinath while also covering as many North Indian pilgrimage sites as possible. The same year, he did his chaturmasa vrata in the matha’s own building at Kashi after the completion of which he left for Badari, visiting several teerthakshetras along the way.
While returning from Badari in 1818 CE he yet again did Chaturmasa at the matha in Kashi. While returning to Goa from Kashi, Svamiji did Chaturmasa of Saka 1741 Pramathi Samvatsara in the Marcel village of Goa. We can guess the difficulty level of these pilgrimages from the fact that 3 chaturmasas were spent during them.

Some highlights of his reign:
In an order dated Jyeshtha Shukla Saptami of Saka 1746, Svamiji wrote from Marcel to Anant Bhat Uje at the Panchaganga Ghat in Kashi that Svamiji shall send 50 rupees each year from which amount Shri Anant was to set aside the amount needed for the matha’s upkeep and use the remaining amount for continued worship at the matha. It seems that Svamiji wanted to send more than 50 rupees but his closing remarks which speak of times getting tough each day seem to indicate to the reader that any higher amount will not be possible.
A detailed documentation exists of Soundekar king Basavalinga Maharaj and his son Sadashiv Maharaja’s visit to Partagali Matha on Phalgun Krushna Truteeya of Saka 1747. The king of Sonde was residing at Bandode in those days. The king arrived there roughly around Saka 1713 due to Haidar Ali’s invasion. From Truteeya to Ashtami, the Soundekar king and prince stayed at Partagali Matha for 5 days.
While out on a tour, Shri Ananda Tirtha wrote a brief letter from Kumta to his shishya Shri Poornaprajna Tirtha which shows the Guru’s keen eye on his shishya’s studies. He writes, “So keeping nothing else in mind stay focussed on studies; shorten even the devapooja and continue your lessons day & night.”
The ritualistic practices of the Sarasvatas and paurohitya in Goa was in the hands of Dravida Brahmanas as many Sarasvatas of the day were averse to professing paurohitya for a living. Shri Ananda Tirtha Svamiji was one of the few Gurus who tried to change this situation. On Ashadha Vadya Dviteeya of Saka 1749 he issued an order to Krushna Lad Prabhu and Vitho Prabhu Zantye of Malwan whereby he instructed them to have all vaidika karmas done at the hands of a Sarasvata purohita who was being sent by Svamiji. The reason cited was that brahmins from other communities reportedly discriminated against the Sarasvatas and did not do the vaidika karmas properly.
This detached and dutiful yati entered samadhi at Partagali Matha on Shravan Shuddha Navami of Saka 1750 Sarvadhari Samvatsara.