Partagali is situated at the feet of high mountains, far away from the deafening dim of mundane world on the bank of the sacred rivulet Kushavati. The headquarters of Shri Samsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math are located there in sylvan surrounding of unparalleled scenic beauty. But ancient still is the huge banyan tree (Vatavraksha) which has been a Tapasya Khsetra i.e. centre for meditation, for over a thousand of years. Beneth the cool shade of this Vatavraksha the ancient Rishi Paingi used to sit for his meditation and since then many a Rishi and Yogi have come for spiritual realization in this remote place, popularly known as Bramhasthan i.e. a seat of Brahma.
Vatavriksha is a sacred tree. It is a mythological symbol of the uninterrupted spiritual glory and the eternal wheel of the life. Vatavriksha knows no decay or death. Its aerial roots lower themselves down to the ground and develop into new trunks, thus giving a new life support to the tree. This tree can shoulder a number of trees on its branches and provide refuge to animals and birds.
There are very few Vatavrakshas in our country and one of them is at Partagali. About two hundred meters to the north of the Math stands the sprawling banyan tree with its branches spresd over 220 aerial roots covering a large area. The total area coverd by the tree, from East to West is about 235 feet and from North to South 225 feet. It is indeed, an experience to tread below the inumarable aerial roots. One feels like walking in a grove of palm trees. Admist cool breez from all directions. Considered as over a thousand year old this Vatavriksha and the Ishwar Linga in front of it, are worshpped by the people of Partagali and adjoining areas.
The Vatavraksha is the symbol of spiritual momement carried on by Shri Samsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math for over five centuries. Its branches spreading over a large area, symbolic of the message of Dharma radiated by the Swamijis of the Math to disciples living in far off place. The arial roots entering deep in to the soil symbolise devotion of the disciple towards the Gurupeetha. Its replica has rightly been chosen as memento for the “VIDYADHIRAJ AWARD”