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Shree Samsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math


Shri Narayana Teerth

Deekshaguru : Shri Ramchandra Teerth (10) Palimaru Math - Udupi.
Sannyasa Diksha : Shri Shake 1397 Manmath Samvatsar Chaitra Shukla-2,
Matsajayanti (Thursday 18/03/1475)
Deeksha Place : Devabhoomi Himalaya, Badrikashram (ChamOli District
Shishya Sweekar : Shri Vasudeva Teerth (2)
Mahanirvana : Shrishake 1439 Ishwar Samvatsar Chaitra Amavasya (Monday
30/04/1517) Vrindavan: Gopi River Bank, Bhatkal (North Kannada)
Duration on Gurupeetha : 42 years 01 month 12 days
Establishment of Maths : 1. Sri Laxminarayan Temple (Panchganga Ghat Varanasi)
(Panchdhatu Laxminarayan statue)
2. Vadermath Bhatkal Shri Vithal Shila Vigraha (Original Math)

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History of Swamiji

वडेरपदवीधारं नारायणपरायणम् ।
नारायणयतिं गौडसारस्वतगुरुं भजे

10th Peethadhipati of Palimaru math, one of the Udupi math was on teertha yatra to Badari kshetra. Swamiji was sick and felt the need to initiate a shishya into sanyasa. But except young Madhava , a Gauda saraswata brahmana there was no one nearby who had the qualification to be a sanyasi. Swamiji thought that if He attains Haripada without initiating a shishya and confer the rights to give mantras and mudras on him, it will be impossible to be able to enter the heavenly places. As per the vision in the dream where Sri Rama advised Swamiji, Sri Ramachandra teerth initiated Madhava in sanyasa in Srisaka 1397 Manmatha samvatsara , Chaitra Shukla Dviteeya and named Him as Sriman Narayana teertha. And conferred all the required rights. In the true sense, the establishment of Shree Mutt renowned as the Shree Samsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Mutt coincidentally took place in the Himalayas at Badrikashram on Chaitra Shukla 2, saka 1397 (1475 A.D.) Sriman Madhvacharya gurumaharaj had established Ashtamathas (eight maths) at Udupi to disseminate the Dvaita philosophy of the Madhva sect. Of these eight, one is the Palimaru Math. The Gaud Saraswat community spread along the Western Coast of India, following the philosophy of the Vaishnava sect had accepted the spiritual guidance of this Palimaru Mutt. After being duly initiated into renunciation, Shree Narayan Teerth resolved to complete his pilgrimage to the sacred spots and shrines of North India. Thus moving from places of pilgrimage such as Kurukshetra and Brahmavarta to Brahmahruda, He finally arrived at the world-renowned pilgrim centre of Varanasi. This ancient land of Vaishnavas is considerd as the abode of rest of Lord Madhava. The holy month of Kartik had drawn near and the Swamiji was aware of the extraordinary significance of the sacred dip at the Panchaganga ghat at this auspicious time. In fact, it has been mentioned in the Ramayana that Lord Ram had made a year-long sojourn at Varanasi on the way to his vanavas (disbandment). Sri Swamiji was attracted with the peaceful surroundings os Vranasi and recalled a verse from Ananda Ramayana. तथा चकार रामोऽपि घट्टबंधनमुत्तमम् । दृश्यते प्रत्यहं यत्र काश्यां रामः ससीतया ॥ चकार पंचगंगायां कर्तीकस्नानमुत्तमम् । काशीवासं वर्षमेकं चकार धर्मतत्परः ॥ (आनंद रामायण ३/६/३७/३८) It was the month of Kartik . Sri Swamiji after the holy bath and daily karmas was sitting there meditating. At that time the Priness had come for the holy bath with her entourage. After taking bath and wearing dry clothes it came to her attention that the priceless diamond bangles . The attenders started to search for them. Who can dare to steal the valuable bangles in broad daylight ! which she had kept on the steps before bath were absent. The attendants started to search for the bangles. In a corner of the Panchaganga Ghat they saw a Sanyasi sitting in meditation and started to search Him. Swamiji was disturbed from mediatation. After knowing about the incident said “ We have given up the attachments towards everything in this world. We don’t even care about daily meals. Our Dharma is not to collect weath and not to steal. What use we have for the diamond bangles?” The servants did not understand the pure words of Swamiji and searched His person also. When they did not find anything all of the entourage begged for forgiveness and went away. The bangles were later found in the river bed. When The King vame to know about this he felt guilty about the trouble given to an ascetic. He wanted to condone for the behavior of his daughter and came to panchaganga ghat and prostrated before Sri Narayana teertha.He asked for the forgiveness about the behavious of his family and servants. Hearing the King, Shree Narayan Teerth replied, "Oh Royal Prince' In your kingdom dharma and religiosity have always been given generous patronage. On this Panchaganga ghat, mother Ganga has turned the corner of her stream to become ishyanyaplava (oriented towards the North-East). We belong to the Gaud Saraswat Brahmin community from the distant land of gomantak, but we are deeply devoted to Mother Ganga in the holy land of Kashi. We desire that more and more people or our community should visit this sacred place to seek the darshan of Mother Ganga and bathe in the holy waters: So we intend to have Math premises here. If your Royal Highness takes active interest in this project, it would be a virtuous act of benevolence." The King of Kashi was much impressed by the words of Shree Narayan Teerth. He helped the construction of a modest math premises on the very ghat facing Shree Bindu Madhav temple on the banks of the ishyanyaplava Ganga. Having ritually installed the pancha-dhatumaya (quinta-metalic) idol of Shree Laxmi Narayan and having made adequate arrangements for the daily pooja of the deity. This is the first math of Gauda Saraswata brahmana vaishnava community founded on Srisaka 1397 Manmatha Samvatsara ( A.D. 1475) Shree Narayan Teerth Swamiji had established the Head Math in the Varanasi region, in the absence of any clear perception regarding the existing and ideal relations between the Math and the society. The primary objective behind the establishment of a Math would be solely to raise the banner of one's sect in a leading place of pilgrimage and to provide a secure shelter to the pilgrims who venturing forth to remote lands in search of spiritual solace and benediction. [Nonetheless his great venture had also launched a new tradition since] This was the initial Math of the Vaishnav sect of Gaud Saraswat Brahmins. Having thus established the first Math at Kashi, Shree Narayan Teerth Swamiji returned to Udupi. After some time,having recovered the venerable Guru Shree Ramchandra Teerth Swamiji also returned to his own Math. Sri Ramachandra teerth Swamiji initiated Sri Vidyanidhi theertha to carry on the parampara at Udupi Palimaru math and blessed Sri Narayana teertha to head Gauda Sarawata Brahmana Vaishnava community Blessed by Guru, Shree Narayan Teerth organized the Saraswat Brahmin community and decided to create a Math. Accordingly, Shree Narayan Teerth arrived at Bhatkal and having erected a Math premises there began the spread of faith among the Saraswat community in the land of Parashuram. A doubt may arise about the presence of GSB community in in Uttara and Dakshina kannada. Portugese missionaries started the conversions in Goa and destructions of the temples from A.D 1540. Only thereafter the Goa GSBs took to flight and settled in Karnataka coastal region, Malabar and Cochin. But the start of this Matha was 75 years before that. There is are independent Mathas for Dravidas like Karhade, Deshastha, Kokanastha and Gauda Brahmanas like Gurjar, Kanauji, Maithili. That is why our Matha is special. In 2022 548 years have been completed.That was the beginning of the Shree Samsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math which is considered as the emblem of Saraswat identity and the rallying point for their unification. Devoted for nearly 550 years to preserve and organize a people forced to be disorganized and committed to serve and energize a community ordained to undergo many an ordeal by fate and compelled to be dispersed by history, the success story of the Math also contains the history of the Saraswat community. In this long march ahead, the Math has had the rare fortune of having an unhindered lineage of 24 Swamijis. The tiny sapling planted on the banks of lshyanyaplava Ganga by H.H. Shree Narayan Teerth Swamiji and nurtured by this long unbroken tradition has today in the form of the holy Math burgeoned like a mighty, banyan tree with its branches spread far and wide. Sriman Narayana teertha attained Haripada on Chaitra amavasya, Srisaka 1439. The Vrindavana is near Gopi river in Bhatkal.